Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Human Rights Conform to local Values??

Why Human Rights are Inconsistent throughout the world


Paying attention to recent events throughout the world where governments have focused on human rights of people from many different backgrounds, cultures and various geographical regions there is a storm brewing on the horizon. Certainly, when one looks at these allegations, there appears to be an inconsistent but powerful demand to not conform to universal standards and focus on local cultures and values instead.

Leaving government to draw their own human right values based on local cultures and traditions opens up a Pandora’s Box to creating various rules or by laws not consistent with those already established by many existing decrees and mandatory rules we live by today and will impact those constitutions developed or created in democracies throughout the world today.

Implementing and defining human rights according to local customs will certainly impact existing stand-alone standards that will conflict with those already written and enforced in many countries. It is with high certainty that these new rules or bylaws will be influenced by religious ideology, political traditions and regional inferences.

Thus this creation or adaptation of local human rights laws or bylaws is seriously flawed and imposes unnatural sanctions or values not shared universally as either acceptable or a violation of existing laws. One such influence could be the laws pertaining to Sharia Law and its values. Certainly not appropriate for a universal application, it contradicts the rights of others as well as our own Constitution.

It is my opinion that if third world countries insist in establishing their own human rights that this is another attempt to arbitrarily use human rights as a tool to justify the means to oppress people who criticize and condemn their government thus attempting to regulate their freedom as well as voice.

Using the law as leverage to enforce such condemnation or disagreement in speech or principle, we can see that these new human rights laws will create more conflict and violate people’s rights everywhere this kind of action is contemplated and implemented within the next few years.



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