Saturday, November 8, 2014

Black Days Black Knights ! Kindle books

A recipe for leadership success - Kindle book

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Darker Side - Dead or Alive?

Do you have the definitive answer I am looking for? Do you believe in life and death being connected or separated by different dynamics in your life or after-life? I tried to explore this subject but realized it may be an illusion.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Red Roofed Haunted House - short story

These are short stories I have written in the past. They are of course fictional but for entertainment more than facts.Each has his own message and each has a specific purpose. I hope you like them

Adobe Mornings in New Mexico - a short story on Kindle

Take the time to read a short story that will allow you to bring back some solace moments in life. We all need a break from the reality of our world and drift back to a time when it was simple and easy. A true story, it showed family unity and spirit.